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Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Arrival

My husbands LITTLE brother had their baby today.

I'm not sure what else to say right now. It's that mix of emotions. You are happy for them, but it kills you that it's not you.

The part that's hardest to grasp, he wasn't even married when we started trying. When he got married I was still seeing my first (of now 3) doctor. I happened to start my period on my own and had a prescription to Clomid (50mg) so I went ahead and took to, figured it couldn't hurt. Of course nothing happened and it doesn't help that I missed a dose because the airline lost my bag and I didn't have it for over 24 hours! They (husband's little brother & his wife) waited 2 years to start trying, took a year to get pregnant and now they have a baby. Wow, it makes me feel like I've been trying for an eternity!

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